75 Jahre Bundesstaat

75 Years of the Basic Law: Is Our Federal System Still Fit for Purpose?

On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Basic Law, the conference will discuss current issues regarding the further development and modernization of the German federal state. Although federalism in Germany has always shown itself to be capable of change and adaptation, the conference will address the question of whether it is still fit for the challenges of the future in its current form, or whether there is a further need for reforms, including of the Basic Law. In the past two decades alone, federalism has been the subject of a three-stage state reform. Since then, the federal government and the states have had to solve not only increasingly complex tasks. Rather, mutually reinforcing crises also remain on the agenda for a longer period of time. These challenges put the federal division of tasks as well as cooperation between the federal government and the states to the test.

The conference will deal with essential future tasks of the federal state, such as climate policy, energy policy, and the digitization of public tasks. What reform needs are there for the institutional framework of the federal state, and what obstacles must be overcome in order to master these tasks? The conference seeks answers to these central questions of our constitution in close exchange between science and practice.

Language: German with translation into English (for international guests)

Conference programme

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